How Substance Church and Peter Haas Tackle Growth Track in a New, Innovative Way

Substance Church in Minneapolis moved their Growth Track process online with the help of TrainedUp a couple years ago. Now, instead of using up valuable people resources for meetings with poor attendance, they can simply enroll people in an online course that lets them watch at their own pace.

What I absolutely love about their approach is they infuse SO MUCH PERSONALITY in their videos. And, honestly, this level of personality and authenticity would be really hard to pull off on a weekly basis with traditional Growth Track or other membership class approaches.

Here’s Pastor Peter explaining their approach. (Pastor Peter on Instagram)

This is Substance Church’s ACTUAL Growth Track Content from TrainedUp

Pastor Peter gave us permission to share the video series that they created and use for Growth Track on TrainedUp. It’s a 6-part series covering everything you need to know to become a part of the mission at Substance Church.

Module 1: Do you have JOY and rubber chickens?

Module 2: Rip Through the Roof!

Module 3: Do you have the top predictor of church satisfaction?

Module 4: The Showroom Floor Principle

Module 5: Teach a Man to Fish

Module 6: Trading in Bibs for Aprons

Scott Magdalein

Scott is the founder of ServeHQ and has over a decade of experience as an Executive Pastor, Worship Pastor, and College Pastor. You can chat with him directly using the widget at the bottom of this page.

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