What's New in TrainedUp: June Edition

One major reason we built version 2 of TrainedUp is so we could roll out new features faster and have more control over the user experience. Now, after V2 has been out for two months, we’re seeing the real-world benefits of managing a more modern and nimble web application.

Last month, we rolled out Reports (for tracking Member learning progress), Course Categories (for organizing multiple courses), and a smoother TrainedUp Library experience. Those things were very popular in May.

This month, we’ve introduced even more great new things to make training volunteers and leaders faster, easier, and more enjoyable than ever.

Unlisted (Private) Courses!

Sometimes you want to create a course that’s not visible in the list of courses that all Team Members can see. Whether it’s for staff training, specialized leader training, or anything else, you’ll now be able to set your course to Unlisted.

The course is still enrollable by anyone with the private share URL, but it won’t show in the list on the All Courses page. Once someone is enrolled in the course, they’ll see it on their My Courses page.

Automatic Reminders

When someone enrolls in a course, they will now receive a weekly email reminder to complete the course. They’ll get a friendly prompt each week with a link to the course. Once they complete the course, the reminders stop.

Manually Add New Members

Every once in awhile you’ll want to add someone to your account manually. This new feature will let you do just that. The new Member will receive an email invite to complete their account setup by setting a password.

Manage Your Billing Info

We’ve been managing customer billing information safely, but manually, for 2 years. Now we’re giving you the ability to update your billing information right inside your account without getting in touch with us. You’ll also receive an alert email before and after your credit card expires.

New Videos in the TrainedUp Library

We roll out new video courses in the TrainedUp Library every month. Each month we focus on one or two ministry areas and provide general-purpose training videos in course format that you can use right out of the box.

This month, we’re focused on training for Small Group leaders and Greeter volunteers.

  1. How Greeters Can Improve Nonverbal Communication
  2. Making a Lasting Impression on Guests
  3. Informed Greeters are Better Greeters
  4. Ways to be Approachable as a Greeter
  5. Habits that Small Group Leaders Should Work Toward
  6. Ways the Small Group Leaders Can Pour into the Lives of Their Group Members
  7. Tips for Communication Outside Group Meetings
  8. Attributes of a Successful Group Leader

Top Notch Leadership Development Teaching

We’ve partnered with Adam Bouse to teach a leadership development series about self-awareness and the far-reaching ramifications of poor self-awareness. He wrote an introductory article (All Growth Begins with Self-Awareness) and a teaching video on the subject (Seeking Greater Self-Awareness Pays Off for Leaders).

Up Next

We’re already hard at work on new features, training videos, and killer leadership development resources for June and July. Keep a lookout for it and make sure your email address is on our list below to stay up-to-date.

Scott Magdalein

Scott is the founder of ServeHQ and has over a decade of experience as an Executive Pastor, Worship Pastor, and College Pastor. You can chat with him directly using the widget at the bottom of this page.

Train church volunteers and disciples online, easy.

Use our simple on-demand video training courses to equip volunteers, develop leaders, and teach disciples. Create your own training or use our video library. Our training automation platform makes it simple and fast to get your people ready for ministry.

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