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Creating a HuddleUp Chat

Follow the steps below to create a chat in HuddleUp:

  1. Select the Chat tab in your sidebar to the left of the screen.
  2. Click on the blue “Plus” icon in the top right of your sidebar. 
  3. Add a name to your chat (if desired), and choose if you want to receive notifications for that chat by toggling the green switch on or off.
  4. To view the people you would like to add to your chat, select a group from the column on the left, or click Select All to see a list of everyone in HuddleUp. 
  1. Select/unselect the people you’d like to be in the chat from the column on the right. You can choose only one person if you’d like to start a direct message.

Note: If you see the message above stating that there are people missing access to HuddleUp, you can click the black plus next to their name to give them the needed permission. 

  1. Click Save to begin the chat!
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