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Pastor Gift Guide for Christmas: What To Get Your Pastor

It’s Christmastime and that means many things…Advent services, meals, volunteering, and gift giving. In your planning for gifts, you’ll be considering plenty of people, but don’t forget your pastor. Christmas is a great time to show your pastor your love and appreciation for him and...

Train Like a Vlogger

As I get older, I realize that there are things I need to learn that I never expected. For example, I’ve had to learn how to manage YouTube content filtering settings for my kids. I’ve had to learn how to manage my Facebook profile data. I’ve had to learn how to block topics on Twitter…

3 Types of Surveys That Will Improve Your Ministry Effectiveness

As I get older, I’m becoming more of a “tools guy.” That means I find myself browsing at Home Depot instead of just going in to grab the one thing I need. I’ve also realized that my tool collection is growing…much to my wife’s annoyance. Among all of my tools I have a single favorite,…

The Role of Ushers in Church

Train your church ushers with TrainedUp. Use our pre-made usher training videos or record your own. Get your ushers ready for Sunday with online training that fits their schedule. Try TrainedUp by ServeHQ today. An usher is a spiritual ambassador for the local church – God’s ordained and organized body of believers. The usher serves…

How to Get Ministry Volunteers Started with Online Training: Myths, Tips, and Tricks

No matter what you’re trying to organize in ministry, the hardest part is always the people part. It’s an old cliché, but you’ve heard the saying, “Ministry would be easy if it weren’t for the people.” Of course, ministry is all about the people! Lining up venues, planning songs, ordering food…that’s all the easy stuff.…

Why “Hire Slow, Fire Fast” is Toxic to Ministry Staffing

Hiring staff members can be one of your most important decisions as a church leader. Who is on your team greatly impacts your church’s direction, effectiveness, and integrity. And your hiring process helps dictate who joins your team and how long they stay. There is a controversial staffing strategy floating around the business world that…

5 Steps To Help You Make Authentic Disciples In Your Church

Our primary calling as ministry leaders is to make disciples. It’s right there in the great commission. Yet, for many of us making authentic disciples feels like a pipe dream. We know we need to do it, but feel ill-equipped to make true disciples. With an abundance of resources available, it can be difficult to…

3 Secrets to Get Church Volunteers Engaged in Training

Engagement has always been the engine of church growth. In the past, people engaged with their church body at a church building. That engagement usually pivoted on worship services as the central engagement event. Other engagement tools included Sunday School (before the Sunday service), midweek ministry (music, prayer, children’s ministry activities, etc), outreach events, and…

Leadership Development Principles for your Church

As ministry leaders, one of our top priorities is to raise up leaders. Yet, the typical leadership development framework is broken in most churches. Instead of raising up those that have been in a position of learning, modeling, and discipling, we instantly elevate those that have ‘leadership potential’. However, the way we evaluate leadership potential…

These Ministry Volunteer Surveys Are A Source of Leadership Gold

The last presidential election was bonkers. Aside from the obvious oddities, the other big story was about polling data. During every election that I can remember, polls have dominated the news cycle for the couple of years leading up to the election. News organizations, polling companies, and nonprofits all vie for attention with polls covering…